Policy No. 1-99-R (June 18, 2018) minor clerical change 2/20/2020, review and minor wording additions/changes 2/8/2023




The University's computer and information network is a continually growing and changing resource supporting thousands of users and numerous systems. These resources are vital for the fulfillment of the academic, research, and business needs of the University community. The use of these resources is provided as a privilege. To ensure a reasonable and dependable level of service, each faculty member, staff member, patron, and the student must exercise responsible and ethical behavior when using these resources. The University does not censor internet content; therefore, all information on the Internet is available to any authorized users. Although we recognize the importance of this freedom, we expect users to exercise reasonable efforts in privately viewing information that may not be suitable or appropriate for all groups. Misuse by even a few individuals has the potential to disrupt University business, and, even worse, the legitimate academic and research work of faculty and students.


This policy outlines the application of the principles governing our academic community in the appropriate use of University computers, technology, and information network resources. Because it is impossible to anticipate all how individuals may misuse these resources, this policy focuses on a few general rules and the principles behind them.


This policy applies to the entire user community (e.g., all faculty, staff, students, patrons, alumni, and retirees) of the University and to the use of any Arkansas Tech University-owned or managed computer/technology-related equipment, computer systems, and interconnecting networks, as well as all information contained therein.


Use of Resources:


All users are expected to utilize Arkansas Tech University resources in a responsible manner consistent with Arkansas Tech University policies and the guidelines and operating policies that the Chief Information Officer (CIO) may issue from time to time. Users are expected to take reasonable measures to ensure that traffic entering the Arkansas Tech Network from other networks conforms to this policy. Conversely, users are expected to take similar measures to avoid situations where traffic from the Arkansas Tech Network violates the policies of connecting networks.


The unauthorized use of resources is prohibited and, in many cases, may violate the law. The law guides us in noting that unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to the following types of activities:


    Harassment or threats to specific individuals or a class of individuals:

o    Transmitting unsolicited information that contains obscene, indecent, lewd, or lascivious material or other material, which explicitly or implicitly refers to sexual conduct.

o    Using email, social-media systems, push notifications, texting, or newsgroups to harass, threaten, or stalk someone.

o    Transmitting unsolicited information that contains profane language or panders to bigotry, sexism, or other forms of prohibited discrimination.

o    Use of profanity, obscenity, racist terms, or other languages that may be offensive to another user and in a manner visible/audible to unsuspecting audiences

    Interference or impairment to the activities of others:

o    Creating, modifying, executing, or retransmitting any computer program or instructions intended to:

    obscure the true identity of the sender of electronic mail or electronic messages, such as the forgery of electronic mail or the alteration of system or user data used to identify the sender of electronic email;

    bypass, subvert, or otherwise render ineffective the security or access control measures on any network or computer system without the permission of the owner; or

    examine or collect data from the network (e.g., a "network sniffer" program).

o    Authorizing another person or organization to use your computer accounts or Arkansas Tech Network resources. You are responsible for all uses of your accounts. You must take all reasonable precautions, including password maintenance and file protection measures, to prevent the use of your account by unauthorized persons. You must not share your password with anyone else or provide access to Arkansas Tech Network resources to unauthorized persons.

o    Communicating or using any password, personal identification number, credit card number, or other personal or financial information without the permission of its owner.

    Unauthorized access and use of the resources of others:

o    Use of Arkansas Tech University resources to gain unauthorized access to resources of this or other institutions, organizations, or individuals.

o    Use of false or misleading information to obtain access to unauthorized resources.

o    Accessing, altering, copying, moving, or removing information, proprietary software or other files (including programs, libraries, data, and electronic mail) from any network system or files of other users without prior authorization (e.g., use of a "network sniffer" program).

o    Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted materials. You should assume all software, graphic images, music, and the like are copyrighted. Copying or downloading copyrighted materials without the authorization of the copyright owner or that does not fall within the parameters of the "Fair Use" exceptions provided by law is against the law and may result in civil and criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

    Use of University provided electronic storage:

o    We provide storage space within the students and faculty home directory of the Domain Server "U:\Username."  The University will determine the size of this space based on the availability of space. This area should be considered a temporary storage location and is not intended for the storage of critical files.

o    Students and faculty are also provided space within the University provided Microsoft Office 365 One Drive platform. The University will determine the size of this space based on the availability of space. This area should be considered a temporary storage location and is not intended for the storage of critical files.

o    This area is not to be used as a storage location for any copyrighted materials to include, but not limited to, MP3/4, Expanded Music Waves, Movie Files, or any other files that may have a copyright.

o    This area is not to be used to store files that may be considered Hacker Files (Sniffers, Crackers, Password Breakers, Monitors, etc.).

o    The storage area needs to be cleaned out at the end of each semester and summer (I/II).

o    Files located in this area may be monitored to assure compliance with this and other University Policies.

o    The University provides this storage at its discretion. Therefore, it can alter or remove data completely at any time and without notice. The University is not responsible for any file loss or corruption.

    Damage or impairment of Arkansas Tech University resources:

o    Use of any resource irresponsibly or in a manner that adversely affects the work of others. Which includes intentionally, recklessly, or negligently: 

    damaging any system (e.g., physically or by the introduction of any so-called "virus," "worm," or "Trojan Horse" program),

    damaging or violating the privacy of information not belonging to you, or

    misusing or allowing misuse of system resources.

o    Use of Arkansas Tech University resources for non-University related activities that unduly increase network load (e.g., chain mail, phishing email, network games, and spamming).

    Unauthorized commercial activities:

o    Using Arkansas Tech University, resources for one's commercial gain, or for other commercial purposes not officially approved by the University, including web and email ads.

o    Using Arkansas Tech University resources to operate or support a non-University related business.

o    Use of Arkansas Tech University resources in a manner inconsistent with the University's contractual obligations to suppliers of those resources or with any published University policy.

    Violation of city, state, or federal laws:

o    Pirating software, music, and images.

o    Effecting or receiving an unauthorized electronic transfer of funds.

o    Viewing, creating, uploading, or disseminating child pornography 

o    Viewing, creating, uploading, or distributing obscene materials (digital or physical) in a manner visible/audible to unsuspecting audiences or that creates a disruptive atmosphere.

o    Violating any laws or participating in the commission or furtherance of any crime or other unlawful or improper purpose.


When Inappropriate Use of Computer or Technology Resources Occurs:


The use of Arkansas Tech University resources is a privilege. The resources have always been and will remain the property of the University and are within the laws and bylaws of the State of Arkansas and it’s governing agencies.


It is your responsibility to promptly report any violation of this computer and technology use policy. Also, you are requested to report any information relating to a flaw in or bypass of resource security to abuse@atu.edu


Standard Arkansas Tech guidelines and procedures are used to investigate reports of unauthorized use or misuse of the resources. All illegal activities may be reported to local, state, or federal authorities, as appropriate, for investigation and prosecution. 

Arkansas Tech University strives to maintain user privacy and to avoid the unnecessary interruption of user activities. The University reserves the right to investigate the unauthorized or improper use of University resources, which may include the inspection of data stored or the review of transmitted data on the network identified during the routine monitoring of the physical storage areas and network traffic, or under the establishment of probable cause. The University will follow all appropriate measures if misuse is determined and it is contrary to University policy or applicable law. These measures may include but are not limited to, permanent or temporary suspension of user privileges, deletion of files, and disconnection from the Arkansas Tech Network, referral to student or employee disciplinary processes, and cooperating with the appropriate law enforcement officials and government agencies.


Arkansas Tech University is not responsible for information, including photographic images and musical recordings, published on or accessible through personal web pages, including personal home pages. The University does not monitor the contents of these personal web pages.


The individual or group creating or maintaining personal web pages is solely responsible for the content of the web page and may be held civilly and criminally liable for the materials posted on the website. You can find the guidelines for creating and maintaining web pages on the Office of Information Systems and MARCOM web pages.


Information on Applicable Laws and Statutes:


All users of the Arkansas Tech University computer and information resources are expected to be familiar with and to abide by University codes and policies, as well as local, state, and federal laws relating to electronic media, copyrights, privacy, and security.


Questions Relating to This Policy:


The examples of unauthorized use set forth above are not an exhaustive list. You will find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the appropriate use of Arkansas Tech University computer, technology, and information network resources on the Office of Information Systems web page (http://ois.atu.edu). 

Refer additional questions about this policy or of the applicability of this policy to a particular situation to the Chief Information Officer through campussupporrt@atu.edu or anonymously at https://ois.atu.edu/feedback/. The Chief Information Officer is the point person for questions concerning the appropriate use of University technology resources. Whenever you are in doubt regarding an issue of questionable use, it is strongly advised that you attempt to resolve the issue before pursuing any further questionable use of University technology resources.


(Original signed by)


Ken Wester

Director Office of Information Systems and Chief Information Officer (CIO)

June 18, 2018

Last Updated (Monday, June 18, 2018, 6/18/2018 4:23:37 PM CDT) minor clerical changes 2/20/2020, review and minor wording additions/changes 2/8/2023